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Food Bank of WNY
Cruise & Benefit Party
Mark your calendar, save the date, get the day off work if
you have to.
Good people, cool music, hot bikes & cars, and a GREAT TIME.
EVERYONE is welcome... bikes, cars, or your own two feet!
This is a TOTAL BENEFIT for The Food Bank of WNY.
Food, drink, 50/50, raffle prizes, and more.
You won't want to miss this event!
*Be patient and wait a few seconds*
so you can view previous year's cool pictures below.
Business Owners:
We are now accepting donations for raffle prizes. Free Advertising!
Thanks to YOU (and Mother Nature),
Last year's was a HUGE success and everyone had a GREAT time!!
A special thanks to our photographers Todd Charnock and Lisa
Hinterberger. If you would like to experience their fine work call "Charnock
Studios" at 716-549-2648.
A special special thanks to:
The Bar King Spiders
Ron Rack the best "Video Camera Man" around!
Sharon, Carolyn, Michelle & Laura for raffle tix & t-shirt sales help.
Fred & Brad for parking & road captain duties.
Gary D. for loaning us "Spider Grove".
Unfortunately, I've recently been diagnosed with CRS, so if I
forgot to mention you please drop me an email.
Oh, for those of you who don't know, the CRS disease is Can't Remember Shit.
Please support last year's raffle prize donation vendors:,
Native Pride Smoke Shop, J&P
Cycles, Genuine Cycle, Gowanda
Harley Davidson, V-twin Cycles,
and Wood-Mars
Rise-n-Dine. Click on any of these names to visit their web site.
This web site is best viewed using
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x (or higher),
at a 1024 x 768 DPI resolution (or higher).
If you see a picture of yourself or your bike/car here, please
us with any details (your name, bike specs, etc.)
that you would like listed here.
Cyberspokes President, "Dave O" (middle) presents
Scranton Volunteer Fire Company's Chief, Mike Guadagno
(left) and President, Kurt Covert (right) with the donation
which was collected from our bike run.
The whole gang on the hill at "Spider Grove".
Ready to Ride!
It's the end of the run and you can almost smell the
beer. And The Bar King Spiders!
Fred, Brad and Dave O leading the pack.
It seemed like ALL the beautiful women were at the Cyberspokes party!
The Bar King Spiders kept the place rock'in all day long!
You can click on any of the images below to see a larger
More than just hot bikes made it to the party! Jim
& his Nova, Gary & his blown ElCamino SS,
Dave and Cindy with their classic yellow Cougar Eliminator, and Gary brought his Goat AND
the Spidervan.
Here's Beeb with his girlfriend Carol and their dog
"Sneakers". Not only does "Sneakers"
like sporting a Cyberspokes
shirt but, HE RIDES TOO!
Mitch & Lisa on the Heritage Softail "Rumble Bee"
Sharon & Dave O on the FLH Chopper
Rob Colantino's 98 FLHT: This baby is show AND go! 3
sets of chameleon flames and custom paint
by Jimmy Shine, Ness rear fender,
stretched tanks, Danny Gray seat, PYO rear lights & dash Mackie heads,
ignition, 42mm Mikuni carb... the list goes on! You can also see Rob's
bike on the Harley Happening site at
Here's Kevin Gensler and his SWEET burgundy-wine 1986 FXR!
This puppy was built by Scott Fentzke form Performance Fabrication.
That's Kevin cleaning the sucker in the background. Hey, isn't that
Ralph's Fatboy there too???
Michelle and Brad with Mischief.
Check out the "Custom Cyberspokes Shirt"!
Steve Sabuda's awesome 98 Heritage Softail
Cliff and his nice Softail
Jay & Jan sport'n their Sporty
Check out the wild paint job Curt Herrmann's 97 Hermdog Fatboy
Here's Hooper's "Joker" Shovelhead Springer
That's Laura & Greg and their Sporty; Michelle with
our photographer Todd Charnock; and our other
photographer Lisa Hinterberger on Greg's Sportster.
Mark & Grace with
their 93 Heritage
Sharp Road King!
Pat O'Connell's 92 Sporty, wide glide front end, 21"
front wheel,
lots of extras,
paint and tribal design by Lee Baker,
Striping/air brush by Mike Miller, Spider
web by Bob Kalman
Sally Shaw rides up on her sporty for a Drive-thru
Pony-tail Chop.
Jeff's Tiger tat takes a smoke break with Carmell, Brenda
and Pat.
Pat (aka Otis, aka Angus) belts out some AC/DC with The Bar King Spiders.
More Bar King Spiders!
If you see a picture of yourself or your bike/car here, please
us with any details (your name, bike specs, etc.)
that you would like listed here.
This web site is best viewed using
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x (or higher),
at a 1024 x 768 DPI resolution (or higher).